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Smart Energy and dynamic energy contracts: the benefits

You hear and read all about batteries, Smart Energy and dynamic energy contracts lately. But why is Smart Energy so interesting? And what exactly about these dynamic energy contracts? And how does this in turn relate to a battery? In this blog, we'll dive into these terms and take you through the benefits for your customers.

What is Smart Energy?

Smart Energy, in short, is matching energy needs with the most advantageous energy tariffs and/or available, generated solar power. In fact, being smart about energy goes beyond simply generating energy sustainably through, for example, solar panels.

When we talk about Smart Energy, we are talking about a smart, efficient way of consuming energy. We explain it using two simple examples.

A customer with solar panels and a home battery:

It's a beautiful, sunny summer day. Your customer's solar panels are hard at work producing a good amount of solar power. More than your customer is currently consuming. The power that is not consumed is automatically sent to the battery, which recharges itself for the moment when your customer needs more power than is being generated. The battery then automatically delivers power to the appliances that need it at that time, such as the washing machine, for example. That way, your customer doesn't have to make any or less claim on the grid the moment the solar panels are producing a little less.

A customer without solar panels:

Imagine your customer coming home after a long day at work. The smart thermostat has already heated up the house nicely, taking into account the energy rate of the moment, and the washing machine has also done its work during off-peak hours. So your customer not only has a nice warm house and clean laundry, but also a significantly lower energy bill. And that without him having turned on the heating or washing machine himself at the right time. Ideal, right?

What are dynamic energy contracts?

Dynamic energy contracts go hand in hand with Smart Energy. Does your customer have a dynamic contract? Then there is no fixed rate per kilowatt hour, but prices are continuously adjusted to the supply and demand on the energy market (these prices are set one day in advance on the Day Ahead market). The combination of dynamic energy contracts and Smart Energy can save a lot of money and even make money if you use this combination in the right way. We explain this briefly.

Supply and demand

Energy market prices are determined by supply and demand. Especially with the huge increase in renewable energy in recent years, the demand for energy fluctuates more than ever before. Is it gray and stormy outside, like in autumn or winter, for example? Then you notice that demand shoots up and with it, power prices.


Is it sunny and a lot of energy is being generated from solar panels? Then the demand for energy from the grid is relatively low. Therefore, the prices for power on a summer sunny afternoon are a lot lower. With the increase in solar installations, power prices can even become negative. There is too much energy available for the demand that is there. Do your customers then consume energy? Then they are in effect being paid to balance the power grid without having solar panels themselves.

The benefits of Smart Energy and dynamic tariffs

Of course, we have already mentioned the biggest advantage several times: your customers become more independent of the grid and/or save a whole lot more on their energy bills. Even if they don't have solar panels (yet). Other noteworthy benefits are:

Different systems to relieve your customers

There are several systems on the market that take care of your customers when it comes to the smart(er) use of energy. Think of the SolarEdge Home system that gives your customers full control over their own solar energy or the recently announced Enphase Home Energy Management system that optimizes energy consumption based on dynamic tariffs and day-ahead prices.

In our webshop you will find all kinds of products that are Smart Energy-ready. So do you want to start making your installations smarter? Then take a look at these products, such as our wide range of batteries or even complete battery sets.