SolarEdge 1PH,/3PH, 230/400V, Licznik energii z połączeniem Modbus, Szyna DIN
Nr art.: SE-MTR-3Y-400V-A

SolarEdge 1PH,/3PH, 230/400V, Licznik energii z połączeniem Modbus, Szyna DIN
Nr art.: SE-MTR-3Y-400V-AAby zamówić produkty, musisz najpierw się zalogować lub utworzyć konto.Nie jesteś obecnie zalogowany
Informacje o produkcie
The energy meter from Solaredge comes with a modbus connection.
It ensures excellent results such as very accurate production / consumption readings. The energy meter also measures the export and consumption of the installation.
it is a small object that allows simple and quick installation in any electrical switch or meter box. The energy meter is suitable for both residential and commercial PV systems Including RS485.
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